今天(2017-8-28)走的,是Sunshine Meadows/Rock Isle Lake步道 不同的地方有不同的季节特色,除了春夏秋冬,有雨季和旱季,有风季和雪季.....而加拿大落基山地区,更有其独特的山火季。 在到达banff之前,我们并不确定这条步道是否开放。因为今年持续时间超长,规模超大,发生在Kootenay国家公园和Mount Assiniboine省立公园Verdant Creek的山火,Sunshine Village及周边的步道已经关闭了数个星期。这里是banff距离火线最近的地方,山下的度假村成了消防的指挥中心。 夏天是加拿大户外旅游的旺季,此时却风干物燥,极易起火。各个公园,无论是省立公园还是国家公园,到处都可以看到Fire Ban禁火令的牌子。在每个住宿营地的登记处,管理员都不厌其烦向每辆汽车的游客复述禁火令的规定。对于我们而言,营地晚上最好玩的篝火不能点了,好在还允许使用Gas炉具,煮食不成问题。 Sunshine Meadows/Rock Isle Lake步道曾经被《Lonely Planet》的《Discover Canada Guide》推荐为加拿大排名第一的单日步道。这条步道一年的开放时间只有短短的4…
There are three worship roads at Meiji Jingu Shrine in Japan, namely, South Ginseng Road, North Ginseng Road, and West Ginseng Road. Omotesando starts at the Jingu Bridge, crosses the Tokyo ’s Shibuya Minato area, and connects to the Aoyama area to the southeast. The Tokyo Metro Omotesando Station was completed in 1972, and the surrounding area was later called Omotesando. In the 70 years, Representative Daido and neighboring Harajuku became popular gathering points for young people and the birthplace of fashion taste. On both sides o…
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